Barz Group

Quantum Information & Technology

Welcome to the Barz Group, led by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Barz, at the University of Stuttgart.



Our research is centred around quantum states of light, serving as a cornerstone for investigating foundational quantum physics and underpinning the development of quantum technologies.

We explore a wide spectrum of aspects of quantum states of light, including the study of their quantumness, the development of integrated photonic technology, and the practical implementation of these advancements in the realms of quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum networking.

In our experiments, we aim to explore the possibilities and push the boundaries of photonic quantum technologies.

Join us!

We currently have projects and positions available (BSc, MSc, PhD, postdocs)! If you are interested in joining our group and advancing the field of photonic quantum technologies, please find more information about open positions here or contact us.

Barz Group - Introduction



We are part of the Centre for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST), the Stuttgart Research Centre of Photonic Engineering (SCoPE), and the International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science (IMPRS-CMS).


[Images on this page: La Rici Photography]


This image shows Stefanie Barz

Stefanie Barz

Prof. Dr.

Professor: Quantum Information & Technology

Ramon Scholz


Barz Office - Administration

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