Advanced Quantum Theory

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Maria Daghofer
Start Mon, October 12, 2015
Time Mon: 09:45 am - 11:15 am
Fri: 11:30 am -13:00 pm
Location S6.331 (Pfaffenwaldring 57, sixth floor)
Language english
Exercises first group: Thu 8:00 am - 9:30 am S6.331 (Pfaffenwaldring 57)
second group: Fri 9:45 am - 11:15 am room 02.349 (Pfaffenwaldring 57)
 Exam  The exercises are graded "pass/fail", Requirements for passing the exercises
You need to pass the exercises to be allowed to take the final oral exam for the lecture.
Lecture Notes Notes Advanced Quantum Theory
  • Quantum Mechanics, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Wiley: Introduction into Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum Phyics, Michel LeBellac, Cambridge University Press: From start of QM to some rather advanced concepts; very modern presentation with nice references to experimental verification
  • Modern Quantum Mechanics, J.J. Sakurai, Addison Wesley
  • Avanced Quantum Mechanics, J.J. Sakurai, Addison Wesley
  • Advanced Quantum Mechanics, F. Schwabl, Springer
  • Grundkurs Theoretische Physik, Bd. 5, W. Nolting, Springer (German-language standard texbook)
  • Fundamentals of Many-body Physics: Principles and Methods, W. Nolting, Springer
Exercise Sheets
  1. Sheet 1 due on Oct. 22
  2. Sheet 2 due on Oct. 29/30
  3. Sheet 3 due on Nov. 5/6
  4. Sheet 4 due on Nov. 12/13
  5. Sheet 5
  6. Sheet 6
  7. Sheet 7
  8. Sheet 8
  9. Sheet 9
  10. Sheet 10
  11. Sheet 10
  12. Sheet 12
  13. Sheet 13
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