Journal Article
- Rashidi, M.; Burgess, J. A. J.; Taucer, M.; Achal, R.; Pitters, J. L.; Loth, S.; Wolkow, R. A.: Time-resolved single dopant charge dynamics in silicon. Nature Communications (2016)
Burgess, J. A. J.; Malavolti, L.; Lanzilotto, V.; Mannini, M.; Yan, S.; Ninova, S.; Totti, F.; Rolf-Pissarczyk, S.; Cornia, A.; Sessoli, R. et al.: Magnetic fingerprint of individual Fe4 molecular magnets under compression by a scanning tunnelling microscope. Nature Communications (2015)
Etzkorn, M.; Hirjibehedin, C. F.; Lehnert, A.; Ouazi, S.; Rusponi, S.; Stepanow, S.; Gambardella, P.; Tieg, C.; Thakur, P.; Lichtenstein, A. I. et al.: Comparing XMCD and DFT with STM spin excitation spectroscopy for Fe and Co adatoms on Cu2N/Cu(100). Physical Review B 92 (18), 184406 (2015)
Yan, S.; Choi, D.-J.; Burgess, J. A. J.; Rolf-Pissarczyk, S.; Loth, S.: Three-Dimensional Mapping of Single-Atom Magnetic Anisotropy. Nano Letters 15 (3), pp. 1938 - 1942 (2015)MPG.PuRe DOI
Yan, S.; Choi, D.J.; Burgess, J.A.J.; Rolf-Pissarczyk, S.; Loth, S.: Control of quantum magnets by atomic exchange bias. Nature Nanotechnology 10 (1), pp. 40 - 45 (2015)
Baumann, S.; Rau, I. G.; Loth, S.; Lutz, C. P.; Heinrich, A. J.: Measuring the Three-Dimensional Structure of Ultrathin Insulating Films at the Atomic Scale. ACS Nano 8(2), pp. 1739 - 1744 (2014)MPG.PuRe DOI
Choi, T.; Badal, M.; Loth, S.; Yoo, J.-W.; Lutz, C. P.; Heinrich, A. J.; Epstein, A. J.; Stroud, D. G.; Gupta, J. A.: Magnetism in Single Metalloorganic Complexes Formed by Atom Manipulation. Nano Letters 14 (3), pp. 1196 - 1201 (2014)MPG.PuRe DOI
Loth, S.; Burgess, J.A.J.; Yan, S.: Scanning probe microscopy: Close-up on spin coherence. Nature Nanotechnology (9), pp. 574 - 575 (2014)MPG.PuRe DOI
Conference Paper
Yan, S.; Malavolti, L.; Burgess, J. A. J.; Loth, S.: Non-locally sensing the spin states of individual atomic-scale nanomagnets. (2016)
Choi, D.-J.; Robles, R.; Yan, S.; Burgess, J. A. J.; Rolf-Pissarczyk, S.; Gauyacq, J.-P.; Lorente, N.; Ternes, M.; Loth, S.: Entanglement-induced Kondo screening in atomic spin chains. (2015)