Dynamics of Nanoelectronic Systems

Loth Group

Atomic-scale Physics

About us

We are an innovative research group exploring physics at the atomic scale. We are part of the Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies at the University of Stuttgart. 

Our focus

We design experiments that can interact with matter on its fundamental length scale of individual atoms. We create functional nanostructures atom by atom and use them to test physical limits of miniaturization and study the emergence of quantum behavior in magnetic nanostructures and correlated-electron materials. Of particular interest is the question how quantum confinement, exchange coupling between atoms and enhanced electron-electron interaction modify the time-dependent evolution of low-energy excitations in nanomagnets, molecules and charge-ordered surfaces.

For this purpose we combine scanning tunneling microscopy and ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy to push the boundaries of time resolution in scanning probe microscopy. The novel instruments developed by us are ideally matched to the energetic, spatial and temporal scales relevant to correlated electron and spin dynamics. 

It is our goal to uncover the intriguing phenomena that govern physics at the atomic scale.

Learn more about our Research

Portrait: Prof. Sebastian Loth


Leidenschaft Physik: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Loth, Institut für Funktionelle Materie und Quantentechnologien.


This image shows Sebastian Loth

Sebastian Loth

Prof. Dr.

Head of Institute FMQ1 (managing director)

This image shows Susanne Baumann

Susanne Baumann


Senior Scientist


FMQ office

Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Room 6.157

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