
The Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies (FMQ) is home to five research groups that explore quantum effects in various environments with theoretical and experimental tools. Research and teaching at FMQ is interdisciplinary and addresses timely topics of modern science. Young academics from approximately 10 countries around the world work together to create the knowledge base for future quantum technologies.

The Daghofer group is led by Prof. Maria Daghofer, chair of the Institute for Theory of Condensed Matter, focuses on spin-orbit dynamics, topological materials, emergent phenomena in magnetism, and unconventional superconductivity.

The Loth group is led by Prof. Sebastian Loth, chair of the Institute for Quantum Microscopy, performs research on atomic-scale magnetism, local dynamics of quantum materials, and atom-by-atom assembly of spin chains.

In the Takagi group Humboldt professor Prof. Hidenori Takagi and chair of the Institute for Physics of Novel Quantum Materials together with Junior Prof. Andreas Rost (SCES on the Nanoscale) Dr. Takayama (Novel Quantum Materials) and Dr. George Jackeli (Theory of Quantum matter) perform research on spin-orbit coupling and electron correlation, unconventional superconductivity, and exotic phases of electrons.

The Barz group, led by Prof. Stefanie Barz, focuses on integrated photonic quantum optics, quantum information, and quantum networks.

Apl. Prof. Johannes Roth’s research group focuses on quasicrystals, laser ablation, and numerical simulations.

The Hong Group, led by Jun. Prof. Sungkun Hong, focuses on developing hybrid optical and optomechanical quantum devices for quantum sensing applications and fundamental research.



FMQ office

Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart

This image shows Sebastian Loth

Sebastian Loth

Prof. Dr.

Head of Institute FMQ1 (managing director)

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