Seminar archive

List of all seminars given by the Takagi Group during previous years

Advanced Seminar Course SS19

Quamtum Materials

Advanced Seminar Course SS17

Local Probes of Energetics and Dynamics

Dozent Jun.-Prof. Dr Stefan Kaiser  
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Loth
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas W. Rost
Begin April 11, 2017 5:15 PM
When Block seminar at end of semester
Where Initial Meeting at Libraray FMQ (6.141 Pfaffenwaldring 57)
Language English
Descriptions Seminar course on advanced spectroscopies including STM, time resolved STM and time resolves optical spectroscopy. 
The topics will cover basics of techniques, the scientific problems addressed by them as well as specific recent research papers.


Advanced Seminar Course SS16

Correlated Electron Physics

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