Theory of condensed matter

Daghofer Group

Theory of Condensed Matter

Welcome at the theory group of Prof. Dr.  Maria Daghofer. We focus on the theory of condensed matter and especially strongly correlated electron systems.


Our team consists of Phd students as well as master and bachelor students. We use  numerical methods like cluster approaches, density functional theory and matrix product states to simulate condensed matter physics. Our research includes quantum magnetism, strongly correlated multi-orbital systems and dynamics of orbital and spin-orbital excitations, potentially with nontrivial topological properties. More and more detailed information can be found here.

Master thesis

We currently offer several master theses on the topics of twisted bilyer systems, a quasi-classical Monte-Carlo approach, topological pinball liquid, pump-probe spectroscopy, correlations and entanglement, as well as charge-4e superconductivity. For more information see here.


This image shows Sebastian Loth

Sebastian Loth

Prof. Dr.

Head of Institute FMQ1 (managing director)


FMQ office

Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Room 6.157

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