This image shows Andreas W. Rost

Andreas W. Rost

Jun.-Prof. Dr.

Group Leader Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies


Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 6.344

Office Hours

On Appointment


I focus on experiments exploring the physics of strongly correlated electron systems, designer heterostructures and new quantum materials at low temperatures.

Our current key focus is the setting up of new infrastructure for

in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics (See also MPI website / Introduction)

Current Team Members 
Zhou, Lihui (Postdoc) 
He, Qingyu (PhD Student) 
Que, Xinglu (Master Student)

Former Team Members 
Kim, Jiyeong (Master Student) 
McClendon, Aaron (Master Student) 
Pentegov, Ivan (Postdoc)

Summer 2017

Summer 2016

  • Correlated Electron Systems - Concepts and Materials
  • Advanced Seminar Course - Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Summer 2015

  • Correlated Electron Systems - Concepts and Materials
  • Advanced Seminar Course - Correlated Electron Systems

Winter 2015/2016

  • Correlated Electron Systems - Concepts and Materials

Exams in 'Basics of Experimental Physics V - Molecular and Solid State Physics' - please contact via email

(* indicates shared first authorship)

  1. Identifying the 'Fingerprint' of Antiferromagnetic Spin-fluctuations in Iron-Pnictide Cooper Pairing
    M.P. Allan*, K. Lee*, A.W. Rost*, M.H. Fischer, F. Massee, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, T.-M. Chuang, J.C. Davis and E.-A. Kim  
    Nature Physics 11, 177 (2015) 
  2. Imaging Cooper Pairing of Heavy Fermions in CeCoIn5
    M.P. Allan, F. Massee, D.K. Morr, J. van Dyke, A.W. Rost, A.P. Mackenzie, C. Petrovic, J.C. Davis
    Nature Physics 9, 468 (2013)
  3. Anisotropic Energy-Gaps of Iron-based Superconductivity from Intra-band Quasiparticle Interference in LiFeAs
    M.P. Allan*, A.W. Rost*, A.P. Mackenzie, Yang Xie, J.C. Davis, K. Kihou, C.-H. Lee, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki and T.-M. Chuang
    Science 336, 563 (2012) 
  4. Quantum criticality and the formation of a putative electronic liquid crystal in Sr3Ru2O7
    A.P. Mackenzie, J.A.N. Bruin, R.A. Borzi, A.W. Rost, S.A. Grigera
    Physica C: Superconductivity481, 207 (2012)
  5. Thermodynamics of phase formation in the quantum critical metal Sr3Ru2O7
    A.W. Rost, S.A. Grigera, J.A.N. Bruin, R.S. Perry, D. Tian, S. Raghu, S.A. Kivelson and A.P. Mackenzie,
    PNAS  108, 16549 (2011)
  6. Ca3Ru2O7: Density Wave Formation and Quantum Oscillations in the Hall Resistivity
    N. Kikugawa, A.W. Rost, C.W. Hicks, A.J. Schofield, A.P. Mackenzie
    JPSJ, 79 024704 (2010)
  7. Entropy Landscape of Phase Formation associated with Quantum Criticality in Sr3Ru2O7
    A.W. Rost, R.S. Perry, J.F. Mercure, A.P. Mackenzie and S.A.Grigera
    Science 325, 1360 (2009)
  8. Quantum Oscillations in the Anomalous Phase in Sr3Ru2O7
    J.F. Mercure, S.-K. Goh, E.C.O.Farrell, R.S.Perry, M.L. Sutherland, A.W. Rost, S.A.Grigera, R.A. Borzi, P. Gegenwart and A.P. Mackenzie 
    Physical Review Letters, 103 176401 (2009)
  9. Effect of Electron-doping of the Metamagnet Sr3-yLayRu2O7
    J. Farrell, R.S. Perry, A.W.Rost, J.F. Mercure, N. Kikugawa, S.A.Grigera  and A.P Mackenzie 
    Physical Review B, 78 180409(R) (2008)
  10. Sr2RhO4: a new, clean correlated electron metal
    R.S. Perry, F. Baumberger, L. Balicas, N. Kikugawa, N.J.C. Ingle, A. Rost, J.F. Mercure, Y. Maeno, Z.X. Shen and A.P. Mackenzie
    New Journal of Physics 8, 175 (2006)
  11. Nested Fermi surface and electronic instability in Ca3Ru2O7
    F. Baumberger, N.J.C. Ingle, N. Kikugawa, M.A. Hossain, W. Meevasana, R.S. Perry, K. M. Shen, D.H. Lu, A. Damascelli, A. Rost, A.P. Mackenzie, Z. Hussain, and Z.-X. Shen
    Physical Review Letters 96 (10), 107601 (2006)


Magnetothermal Properties near Quantum Criticality in the Itinerant Metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7
A.W. Rost, Book published by Springer Verlag in the series
Springer Theses Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D research

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