Visit of the DPG spring meeting of SAMOP in Erlangen

April 3, 2018

The group members attended the DPG spring meeting of the atom, molecular, quantum optics and plasma section (SAMOP) in Erlangen.

The group members attended the DPG spring meeting of the atom, molecular, quantum optics and plasma section (SAMOP) in Erlangen. Here they caught up with the most recent results in the field of quantum optics and quantum information processing as well as meeting researchers from groups from all over Germany and having fruitful discussions with them. Besides the scientific program there had also been time for visiting the nice city of Erlangen or enjoying a Science Slam.

“I liked the poster sessions the most because there I could ask more detailed questions about the displayed posters so I could comprehend more.”
Jelena Mackeprang

In addition to the group members also three students of the quantum information lecture got the chance to get for their first time in touch with the scientific community. While the scientific talks had been something, they had already been familiar with, new events like the poster sessions fascinated them, so Jelena Mackeprang said afterwards. Also the broad program with presentations from different areas of physics offered the possibility of getting to know research besides the one at the University of Stuttgart.

“My favorite part of the conference was to get an insight in topics I’m not that familiar with […].”
Maximilian Rupp


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